
Guiding principles

People from all countries of origin are welcome to sing in our choir. Here they can experience a sense of community and meet a variety of people at eye level.

Some important aspects related to music:

black16x16 Music connects people and encourages community spirit

Our project is intended to make people from different cultural backgrounds do something together, namely to sing. Our repertoire is also supposed to reflect this cultural variety.

black16x16 Music has no age limits

We will see to it that both younger and older participants can meet in this project, so that an integration of different generations can take place.

black16x16 Music affects the entire person

Music enables us to harmonize and consciously perceive our bodies by an awareness of body posture, breathing and the vibrations of sounds. These qualities may have a positive influence on mental and emotional processes in general.

black16x16 Music creates a sense of belonging

Sharing responsibility for the overall success of a project may give members a sense of belonging. Regular meetings encourage social integration and expand one’s social sphere, e.g. by excursions, etc.

black16x16 Music brings about pleasure

By experiencing and actively contributing to the project participants feel a sense of achievement  and the joy we share can help us to open up to other human beings.

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